Your tutor is your first point of call if you have queries about the content of the programme or assessment task. In addition, when you start PL1 Wairuatanga – Reflective Practice, your PL1 tutor will take on a kaiāwhina (mentor) role for the rest of the Playcentre Leader series.
Your centre Education Officer and experienced members at your centre can also help motivate you, look after your tamariki on session so that you can work on education mahi, and organise write up sessions with other centre members. Some workshop groups form their own support groups via Facebook, email or other messaging tools.
Come join an online support session! We have break out rooms set up so it’s also a chance to kōrero with other ākonga working on the same module as you. Mondays evenings and Thursday afternoons for one hour via Microsoft Teams. No need to register, just click the link to join the session via a web browser.
Monday evenings 7:30 – 8:30pm |
Thursday afternoons 1:30 – 2:30pm |
What if I need additional support?
If you have any extra learning support needs, contact Mary Alford, Student Support Coordinator – Learner Support Advocate [email protected].