All centres should be using tablets to sign in on session by the end of February at the latest. The update to enable parents to sign in at the same time as their child/ren has been rolled out. Please ensure you have version 5.7.1. to enable this option.

We have recorded some very short videos, giving details on how to use the Discover app on the tablet and these can be found at this link:


Videos here include:

Add a Child – where a child is already enrolled, and they want to attend on a day they are not usually enrolled for.

Bulk Sign in – How to mark the roll to sign in children who have not been signed in by their parents/caregivers. We suggest that part way through the morning someone uses this option to check that all children are signed in.

Find Parent Pin – how to find a parent/caregivers pin number if they have forgotten it.

Fire Drill – how to use the Roll Call option to record a fire drill (or Earthquake/Sheltering in place drill)

List by Room – Shows how to just show one session on the roll call (note this will only work if the sessions have been set up as separate rooms)

Offsite option – This can be used when one or a few children are leaving the centre temporarily for some reason but will be back during the session.

Sign In Child and Parent – shows how to sign in the child and parent at the same time. Note that this will only work if the parent has been marked as an educator in Discover. If the child has multiple connected adults who are marked as educators it will show all of them as being able to be selected.

Sign out Parent only – if the parent has signed in, as staying on session, but then leaves part way through the morning, this video shows how they can sign out, but still leave the child signed in.

Staff sign in – Shows the process for someone who is set up as a Staff member to sign in. Can also be used for Centre members who regularly attend without children.

Visitor Sign in – the sign in process for visitors to the centre

Who is in the centre – information on how to see who is in the centre, including Under 2’s, 2 and over, etc.


We will be giving centres access to the Discover website as well, in order to be able to access reports, but are just fine tuning some of the options to ensure privacy. To access the Admin features on the tablet, as outlined in the videos above, use the pin number 0172.

It is a Ministry of Education requirement that parents sign a record of attendance each month in order to ensure that ECE providers are recording attendance accurately. This is something that we have always had to do, but for a while were able to use the sign in sheets. We now need all parents to sign once each month to confirm that the recorded attendance is accurate. Centre Admins will ensure that a copy of the report for signing is either emailed or brought to the centre.

We are working to get this amended to allow electronic confirmations, but right now it requires a physical signature from a parent or guardian of each child.