What do I need to bring to Playcentre?
Playcentre is always busy and sometimes messy! It is a good idea to dress yourself and your child in comfortable old clothing so that you can participate in the full range of activities.
We recommend always bringing at least one change of clothes for your children.
What’s the best way to settle in my child?
There a several ways you can help your child to develop their
sense of belonging at Playcentre.
• Greet other children and adults as you arrive, this helps your
child (and you!) to remember names
• Remind your child of the routine
• Take time to explore the centre together learning about
where things are located
• Linking Playcentre and home is a vital part of our philosophy,
so remember to share with your family activities and
creations from your day at Playcentre
• Seeing your child learning and gaining confidence with the
support of other parents.