Kia ora koutou

It’s the end of our financial year – it finished on 31st August, which is a pretty rare date in my experience.  My first job is to produce a set of accounts for the “Parent” (Operations) before our auditors arrive next month.  Then the real challenge will begin – combining the financial statements of over 400 Playcentres, along with all the adjustments required to produce a set of Group Playcentre financials, before the auditors come back for Round 2.  It’s been done before – twice – and I can’t help thinking that it would be easy the third time if only there were some written procedures!  It’s something we are working on getting better at, and is part of our maturity journey as an amalgamated organisation.

What that means is that I need your help.  If all 400+ financial statements have the bank reconciled, correct coding, fixed assets capitalised, and depreciation run then we will be halfway there – you can pretty much leave the rest to me (apart from those who get a request for information from our auditors).  If you are not sure, or you are stuck, please ask for help – from your CA or [email protected]   Once you are done, please fill out the Finance Pack (which is the Year End Questionnaire) on the website – this needs to be done by 24th September please. We can’t go ahead with year-end reporting until all questionnaires are completed, so we will be following up on any that aren’t.

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Updated Treasurer’s Kit

The Treasurer’s Kit is a guide to assist you if you are the treasurer for your Playcentre. Click here to view the updated version – Treasurer’s Kit – Updated September 2021

Control click on the title in the contents page to take you directly to the information you need. 

Stephen O’Neil
Finance Manager