In 2021, a review of the organisation was completed. This review found
- The existing Constitution was not fit for purpose and legal rules that were in place for our organisation had a lot of gaps and discrepancies.
- To fix this, a new Trust Deed was developed.
- This was sent to all Centres for review. Regional Representatives selected by Centre whānau worked through this draft with their Regions.
- Representatives gathered the views of Centre whānau and shared these with other Regional Representatives from across the motu prior to and at a national hui. These representatives produced over 20 pages worth of feedback on the original document.
- Discussions at National hui followed, with some Regional Representatives continuing to support the mahi to shape the Trust Deed ensuring it would protect and meet the needs of Playcentres across Aotearoa.
- The Trust Deed was formally adopted.
2. The second finding was that our operational model was not sustainable. After running deficit budgets for several years, it was found that the way Playcentre Aotearoa was set up did not protect our Trustee Board, or as we have come to establish, our Centre whānau, from legal liability that was outside of their control. Something needed to change to manage these risks and protect our whanau.
- The Trust Deed was te taumata tuatahi (step 1);
- The co-design of a new funding model with the Ministry of Education was next (how, and how much funding we get to run our Centres).
- he co-design of a new funding model with the Ministry of Education was next (how, and how much funding we get to help run our Centres).
- Te taumata tuatoru; (step 3) or Big Rock #3 is a new operational model. This is where we are developing a plan to introduce Kaimahi to support Centres and their whānau once whānau confirm they will be a branch of Playcentre Aotearoa.
3. Finally, for those who remember, 2019 saw the amalgamation of 32 Associations into one body, Playcentre Aotearoa. It was understood that this was complete, however, the review established that the final step ensuring all Centres were legally part of Playcentre Aotearoa was not, so we need to finalise this.
- This is where each Playcentre confirm that they will be a branch of Playcentre Aotearoa (as mentioned a above), and we all use our collective financial resources to support our Playcentre whānau across Aotearoa.
The amalgamation was the result of years of work, and stemmed from our values of kaitiakingatanga, manakitanga a generosity of spirit, compassion and integrity. Smaller Associations that could no longer operate were supported by others to ensure that Playcentres everywhere could keep their doors open and be accessible to all tamariki and their whānau. This history shows us that we are, one whānau, Playcentre whānau. Whānau support each other and don’t leave each other behind. He waka eke noa; we are all in this together.