The benefits of Playcentre

“… these early years are important”.

“… these early years are important. The majority of brain development occurs from conception to age one and continues at a rapid pace through the first few years. Very young babies learn to respond to the world through their relationship with their caregivers.” Brainwave Trust, New Zealand


Playcentre provides a space for children and parents to play and grow together, and so seeks to strengthen that primary relationship.

Good for your child…

Watch your child’s confidence grow as they explore and foster their imagination through play and interaction with other children aged 0-6. From building sandcastles to baking biscuits, painting to singing, working with wood to cutting shapes in playdough: every session will captivate your child and excite them.

Playcentre provides:

  • A child-centred programme based on the individual child’s fascinations, strengths and interests
  • A high adult child ratio
  • A rich variety of quality play and learning resources and experiences
  • Caters for age ranges from 0 – 6 so that the whole family can come to Playcentre together
  • A safe and secure environment
  • Positive and sustained interactions with other adults

…and good for you

Be involved with your child’s learning; play with them and alongside them. Encourage children to interact with others while you meet other parents and educators and become part of a fun, vibrant village where community and a sense of belonging is at the heart of everything we do.

Playcentre provides:

  • Support as a parent
  • Involvement in your child’s early childhood education
  • Confidence in yourself and your parenting
  • Friendship with other parents and caregivers
  • A free education programme to develop parenting skills and understand how children learn and develop
  • Whānau social occasions
  • Opportunities to take on new responsibilities and learn new skills
  • A sense of community and belonging

What others are saying

The community of parents and the community of children, the learning opportunities for both, the fun, the friendships 💕

- Liz

I love that I’m part of my son’s ECE learning experience by being there to set up arts, games, read books you don’t have at home and doing a portfolio for them. It’s a great way to meet friends for yourself and the kids, getting involved in the community doing fundraisers for Playcentre.. I could go on…

- Gabrielle