
Kia ora

Appleby Playcentre is situated beside the Appleby River, surrounded by a sports domain and only 5 minutes drive from Richmond.
In this rural environment we have a great team of families sharing tasks with 16 families / 27 children currently enrolled.

At present we have spaces available on all sessions. Pop on down anytime during the school term to enjoy three free sessions. Bring your own morning tea and wear clothes suitable for playing.

On session we provide quality play and learning experiences for families. The learning stories of our children are made into fabulous profiles (for each child) complete with colour photos of the fun had during their time at Appleby Playcentre. We offer regular training opportunities for parents interested in gaining Playcentre qualifications.

Trips are always a highlight at Appleby, and recent ventures outside the centre have included visits to the library, McMillans, school visits and bus rides and visits from local Police.

Property and technological upgrades have been prominent at Appleby. December 2006 saw the official opening of the new playground. This fabulous playscape has become central to outdoor play at Appleby and the children love the varied exploration possibilities that it provides. We also have new water play equipment, new gardens, verandah covers and a new fence contributing to a safe and vibrant outdoor space.

For more information about Appleby Playcentre and the latest Education Review Office report, please go to the link.

We offer 3 free visits before you request to enrol

Address & Contact

538 Appleby Highway
State Highway 60, Best Island , Appleby
Richmond, Nelson
[email protected]
03 544 9775
022 853 8983

Open Times

Monday 9.30am - 12pm
Thursday 9.30am - 12pm

Other centres in your region

Richmond (Tasman)

46 Waverley Street
Nelson 7020 [email protected]
027 880 4731


244 Lord Rutherford Road South
Nelson 7091 [email protected]
03 542 3270 and 022 853 9082

Enner Glynn

8 Enner Glynn Road
Nelson 7011 [email protected]
027 880 4785