
Johnsonville Playcentre is tucked into a sunny little valley on Ironside Rd in Johnsonville, Wellington.

Johnsonville Playcentre is run by a cooperative of families who believe that we know our children best and are passionate about being involved in their learning. Our tamariki are supported to become confident, competent self-directed learners through play which is based around their interests. Our tamariki gain knowledge through play, participation and positive guidance.

We are a multi-cultural centre and have a strong focus on the values of whanaungatanga and kotahitanga.

We nurture the curiosity and creativity of our tamariki through the fun range of experiences provided … no two days at Playcentre are the same!

Our children develop nurturing and social skills which have lifelong benefits. Tamariki of all ages from birth to school age attend together, allowing older children to mentor younger children and practise empathy and caring.

Parents and other whānau share all the responsibilities of running our centre and are actively involved in providing learning programmes for our tamariki. The high adult to child ratio allows a good balance for group and individual support during each session. Our parental relationships developed through Playcentre provide support with parenting and help us develop new parenting and life skills. Parents also take part in the free Playcentre education programme, developing their parenting skills and learning about child development.

There is no other organisation for early childhood education and family development quite like it in the world. Thousands of kiwi children, and their parents too, have grown up with Playcentre … book in for your three visits today and come and join the fun.

Here are just a few of the things our members have said as to why they love Playcentre:

  • I love watching my tamariki build relationships with the other tamariki and adults at Playcentre.
  • It’s neat to get to build friendships with other children – children other than my own!
  • I have got to watch my tamariki develop, relax and socialise at Playcentre.
  • It’s my safe haven – when I’m having a tough morning (or week), I know I can come to Playcentre and the other adults will understand and support me.
  • Playcentre adults are my whānau / my people. They get me!
  • Playcentre adults step in when I need them – they are my village and are helping me to raise my tamariki.
  • Sometimes I come for the morning tea – at least I get to eat (which sometimes doesn’t happen at home)!
  • We get to make the mess at Playcentre – not at home!
  • My kids love going to Playcentre – it’s really hard to convince them to leave after a session!

Most of all we think childhood learning should be fun and enjoy experiencing the joys of play with our children!

We offer 3 free visits before you request to enrol

Address & Contact

26 Ironside Road
Wellington 6037
[email protected]
04 478 3904
027 880 2425

Open Times

Monday 9.00am - 11.30am
Tuesday 9.00am - 11.30am
Tuesday 12.30pm -3.00pm Space Session
Wednesday 9.15am - 11.45pm Space Session
Wednesday 12.15pm - 2.45pm Space Session
Thursday 9.00am - 11.30am
Thursday 12.15pm - 2.45pm Space Session
Friday 9.00am - 11.30am

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