On 10 March 2022, Playcentre Aotearoa announced the appointment of Erana Rattray as the new Kaiwhakahaere Hononga Māori (Māori Relationship Manager). Erana will take up her new position on 14 March.
This is a key role for the organisation. Erana will join the Senior Leadership Team and report directly to the Chief Executive.
Speaking about the appointment, Playcentre Aotearoa Chief Executive David Moger said, “After a rigorous recruitment campaign run by an independent recruitment company, Erana, currently our Upper South Island Kaihononga Māori (Māori Relationships Advisor) clearly demonstrated that she is the ideal person for the role.
Moger is excited for Rattray to lead the organisation’s bi-cultural journey.
“Playcentre Aotearoa is committed to honouring the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and to working with Māori to improve engagement, participation and educational goals, as well as opportunities to increase understanding of te reo me ona tikanga Māori within the organisation,” he said.
Rattray said she was keen to support Playcentre Aotearoa’s over 400 centres across the motu.
“I am committed to improving their understanding of te reo Māori and to use that knowledge when interacting with tamariki on session,” Rattray said.
Māori tamariki account for 11% of children enrolled in Playcentre sessions nationwide.
Last year 10% of Playcentres ran te reo Māori sessions, incorporating te reo me ona tikanga Māori in creative ways through play at centre level.
Playcentre Aotearoa is a charitable trust that provides a community focused early childhood education experience for pre-school tamariki and their whānau. With over 400 Playcentres across the motu, Playcentres are a familiar sight around Aotearoa.
Mihi from Erana Rattray
As Erana may not be known to Playcentre members across the motu, Chief Executive David Moger has asked Erana to introduce herself.
He ika kai ake i raro he rāpaki ake i raro.
E ngā mana, e ngā waka, ngā hau e whā, ngā tai e whā, e ngā kārangaranga maha, rau rangatira mā, e te whānau, whānui, te iwi o tāwāhi tēnei rā te mihi. Ngā mihi aroha, ngā mihi hari ki a koutou katoa.
Nōku te whiwhi mō tēnei pānuitanga. He pānui tēnei hei ārahi i te whānau, hei whakanui i te Kaiwhakahaere Hononga Māori.
Te mahi māku he tautoko i ngā mihi kua horaina mai i waenganui i a tātou. Ahakoa he mihi poto tēnei, hei aha ka nui tonu te aroha.
Ko wai au? Ki te taha o tōku Pāpa
Kakepuku te maunga
Waipa te awa
Tainui te waka
Maniapoto te iwi
Nō Ōtautahi ahau
He Kaiwhakahaere Hononga Māori taku tūranga
Ko Erana Rattray ahau.
Heoi anō mō tēnei wā, ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitahi.
Nō reira e te whānau, e hoa mā, rau rangatira mā. Kia tau te rangimārie ki a tātou katoa, noho ora mai i ō koutou kāinga.
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
English Translation
As a fish nibbles from below so the ascent of a hill begins from below. Every journey starts with the first small step forward. Working together must start somewhere.
The spiritual ethos, the canoes, the four winds, the four shores, the many affiliations, esteemed colleagues, family and wider families, people from overseas, greetings of the day.
Loving and joyous greetings to you all.
I am honoured to announce this! The message heralds you to celebrate the appointment of the Kaiwhakahaere Hononga Māori role.
My function is to endorse the greetings that have spread amongst us. Although this greeting is short, nonetheless the greeting comes with love.
Who am I? From the side of my father
Kakepuku is my maunga
Waipa is my river
Tainui is my canoe
Maniapoto is my iwi
I hail from Christchurch
My role is the Kaiwhakahaere Hononga Māori
My name is Erana Rattray.
That is all for this time, notwithstanding success is not the work of one, but of many.
Therefore family, friends, and esteemed colleagues may peace be with us all, stay well in your homes.
Greetings, greetings, greetings to us all.