Titahi Bay

Our tamariki are supported to become confident, competent self-directed learners through play based around their interests. They gain knowledge through play, participation and positive guidance. 

Our children’s curiosity and creativity is nurtured through the fun range of experiences provided … no two days at Playcentre are the same. 

Our children develop nurturing and social skills which have lifelong benefits. Siblings attend together, allowing older children to mentor younger children and practise empathy and caring. 

Our whānau is truly multicultural with Māori and Pakeha, Samoan, Cook Island Māori, Filipino, Indian, French and Brazilian members, to name just some. 

Our parental relationships developed through Playcentre provide support from parents and help them develop new parenting and life skills. 

Our parents are actively involved in providing our children’s learning programmes. The high adult to child ratio allows a good balance for group and individual support during each session. 

Respect and a common focus enables us to move forward with the centre’s goals and aspirations. We are situated in the grounds of one of the four primary schools here in Titahi Bay and enjoy strong relationships with them all. This allows us to easily arrange visits for those children who are close to school age; share activities such as shows etc and acclimatise children to primary school routines. 

There is no other organisation for early childhood education and family development quite like it in the world. Thousands of kiwi children, and their parents too, have grown up with Playcentre … pop in for your three visits today (no need to book) and come and join the fun.

Reviews from centre members

“It doesn’t matter how old they get, we hope that our kids will always be Playcentre kids – fun loving, creative, mess making, out of the box thinking, resilient and kind.” Dan & Rebekah Siave (parents of 4) 

“Playcentre is AWESOME!!! You get to make things, make friends and play.” Miriam (8 years old, Playcentre graduate) 

“Titahi Bay Playcentre is a fabulous place, it’s has a great environment and great facilities. It is a place where your tamariki can have loads of fun playing with all the amazing resources and they can learn to interact with other tamariki. For the parents, it’s a place to meet other parents in your community, make lifelong friends and attend Playcentre education courses that help you make your tamariki’s lives more fun and memorable. And lastly, it’s a place to help you stay sane, because let’s be honest we all have those days where you feel you’re going crazy.”  Carraldo Fougere 

“I like playing with my friends there. I like playing with Mummy there. And I like playing with Daddy there. And I like playing with carpentry.” Joel (4 years old) 

“Playcentre has encouraged me to come out of my shell and discover myself as much as my children. We grew together as a family and became a community.” Abbe Holmes (ex-President, Playcentre) 

“I have been a Playcentre parent for nearly nine years and through Playcentre my children  have become curious learners and independent thinkers who have a great relationship with adults . Playcentre has given them a great foundation on which they can grow. Personally, I have learnt many valuable skills including how to chair a meeting, creating and implementing policy and facilitating NZQA approved adult education workshops. But most importantly, all of us have all had fun getting messy, imagining and playing together. There is nothing else like Playcentre and the years you spend there will be invaluable in the future.” Willow Forgeson

“Being involved in your child/ren’s preschool education; learning new skills, meeting wonderful people in your community, making life-long friends for yourself and your children.” Jude Pointon

We offer 3 free visits before you request to enrol

Address & Contact

Titahi Bay School, 6 Kura Street
Porirua City 5022
[email protected]
04 236 6118
022 853 9860

Open Times

Monday 9.00am - 12.30pm
Tuesday 9.15am - 11.45pm Space Session
Tuesday 12.15pm - 2.45pm Space Session
Wednesday 9.00am - 12.30pm
Thursday 9.00am - 12.30pm

Other centres in your region


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04 2339 633
027 880 3296

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Wellington 5028 [email protected]
04 232 0631
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165 Normandale Road
Lower Hutt 5010 [email protected]
027 700 1027