Representative Application Form 2025

    Connection to Playcentre

    Playcentre Aotearoa Two Whare

    Te Whare Tikanga Māori (TWTM) is made up of current and past Playcentre whānau who are tangata whenua or have tamariki who whakapapa Māori. TWTM empowers whānau Māori to uphold their tino rangatiratanga, mana motuhake, and kawanatanga within Playcentre Aotearoa, providing space for whakawhanaungatanga and enabling active engagement in governance.

    Whānau, whether past or current, who are not part of Te Whare Tikanga Māori are eligible to participate in Tangata Tiriti (TT) House, supporting:

    • Playcentre’s commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi through partnership with Te Whare Tikanga Māori.

    • The Playcentre philosophy and values of Tangata Tiriti House.

    Each Whare supports Centre whānau, through their hapori (community) networks to:

    • Vote for Trustees

    • Vote for their Representatives

    • Engage in consultation processes initiated by the Board of Trustees

    Personal statement

    (Maximum 2000 characters)

    Representative Expectations

    Please take a moment to carefully review the Representative Expectations for 2025. These guidelines outline the expectations and conduct expected of all representatives.