We have been working with ERO regarding the introduction of their new resource, Te Ara Poutama (see December’s ‘Acting General Manager Pānui update’). Over the last month we have had further discussions regarding the Akanuku reviews and any areas of non-compliance, particularly GMA7 (Licencing Criteria – Human Resource Management). For example: the undertaking of appraisals due in 2020. 

At the time it was decided that it would not be appropriate for Regional Staff to be appraised as the implementation of Phase 2 was delayed and the new Centre Advisor positions were being appointed during Term 1. This means that all centres that are currently being reviewed are non-compliant for this criterion.  

We have worked with ERO and our Regional staff to establish acceptable wording for the centre reports to ensure it clearly conveys that this was a national matter rather than a reflection on the centre.

ERO have provided reassurance that centres will not be penalised because of this specific area of non-compliance and will proceed to Akarangi – Quality reviews, if this is their only area of non-compliance.