Awatuna Playcentre held a Fruit week, encouraging families to be creative and bring along a piece of fruit that was different from the usual apples, bananas and oranges that come to Playcentre. The fruit was placed on the kai table and the children were able to choose which fruit they wanted to try. There were persimmons, pineapple, passionfruit, feijoas, kiwifruit, grapes, mandarins, lemons and mangoes … along with the old favourites, bananas, apples and oranges.

Bronwyn brought along her blender and was on hand for each child to choose what fruit they wanted in their smoothie. They counted the ingredients into the blender then got to turn it on. The flavours and textures of each smoothie were very different and the children enjoyed making and drinking them.
We have also used an apple peeler at centre and the children were fascinated by the way it cuts the peeled apple into a spiral spring that they can pull open and how it also cores the apple. A new parent brought along lemons and the children squeezed them on a plastic juicer, poured the juice into a cup and added a very small amount of sugar and water.

We also made carrot and apple juice with Sheree’s juicer. The children showed varying amounts of interest, from the four year olds being hands on, to the smaller children who were tasting, touching and watching everything that was happening.

It was a very good week of yummy fruit, smoothies and juice!

Donna Bradford, Awatuna and Districts Playcentre