Enrolment information

Where should I begin:

All learners start with PE1 Ūkaipōtanga – Let’s Play.  This module is offered as face-to-face workshops, webinar workshops or self-paced online learning.

Check out the Upcoming Workshops and Online Modules to find workshops and online modules starting soon. 

Sign up online for the option you’d like, and you will be sent the link to an enrolment pack and more information. 

Enrolment in the Playcentre Education programme

NZ Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (level 4


All students should read the Programme Outline and Ākonga Information Handbook January 2024

Still have questions about enrolling in Playcentre Education: NZ Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (level 4)?

Am I eligible to enrol?

What if I don’t meet eligibility requirements?

How do I complete the enrolment forms?

Who should complete the RPL form?

Why do I need to complete a safety check and police vet?

What is required to complete a safety check?

What would make me fail the safety check or police vet?

Who can verify my identification documents?

How do I complete the practical experience for the certificate?

What additional support can I access through Playcentre Education?

Is this course Zero Fees?