Meet our education team

Playcentre Education is the PTE of Playcentre Aotearoa.

All staff work nationally, with three managers and five assistant/support co-ordinators.

Education Team

Pedagogical Lead

Kara Daly

Contact Kara about 

  • Ministry of Education SELO1
  • Contracts and other non – MoE professional development opportunities for Playcentre members
  • Promotion of mātauranga | adult education within Playcentre Aotearoa on the national management team
  • Bridging Playcentre PLD and Playcentre Education 


021 212 5934

Education Lead

Kathryn Duggan

Contact Kathryn about

  • Verification of qualifications for licensing
  • Playcentre Education programme content
  • Feedback about tutors, commenters and the education team
  • Assessment appeals
  • Student complaints  


027 880 4460

TEC Funding Advisor

Glenda Caradus

Contact Glenda about

  • TEC Funding


07 856 8684

Chrissie Sundstrum

Education Assistant

Contact Chrissie about

  • Workshop requests for Upper South Island and Lower South Island regions
  • Cancellation of workshop bookings, if within 24 hours of workshop
  • Queries from Centre Education Officers in USI and LSI regions



Barbara Cooper

Student Support Coordinator

Contact Barbara about

  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
  • Workshop requests for Upper North Island and Central North Island regions
  • Cancellation of workshop bookings, if within 24 hours of workshop 
  • Queries from Centre Education Officers in UNI and CNI regions 


027 880 5605 and 09 838 8849

Marianne Scott-Boddendijk

Student Support Coordinator

Contact Marianne about

  • Face-to-face Playcentre Educator PE1 and PE2 modules


027 880 5602 

Mary Alford

Student Support Coordinator

Contact Mary about

  • Learning support for ākonga with learning differences
  • Workshop requests for Lower North Island
  • Webinars
  • Cancellation of workshop bookings, if within 24 hours of workshop
  • Queries from Centre Education Officers in LNI
  • Face-to-face Playcentre Educator PE3 and PE4 modules


027 880 5604 and 09 838 8849

Haley Brown

Student Support Coordinator

Contact Haley about

  • All online and Playcentre Leader PL module enrolments


027 880 5620 

For queries about assessments from online modules

For queries about assessments from face-to-face workshops

For clarification of assessment task wording

For assessment appeals and feedback about the education programme content or tutor team