If you would like to make a confidential complaint about serious wrong-doing at Playcentre, you can do this by filling in our complaints form below.

For all other complaints, please follow the Complaint Resolution Procedure.

Serious wrongdoing includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • dishonesty, bribery, fraud or corruption;
  • illegal acts
  • unethical actions (e.g. dishonestly altering organisational records, engaging in questionable accounting practices, or wilfully breaching Playcentre Policies);
  • actions that are potentially damaging to the organisation
  • actions likely to cause financial loss  to Playcentre or damage its reputation;
  • any other kind of serious impropriety.

Note: Further information on “whistleblowing” can be found in our Finance Policy.

This procedure should not be used for employment relations disputes, discrimination, harassment, relationships at work and other similar internal issues. Please contact Human Resources if these issues arise.

If you wish to make a complaint, please provide the following information:

  • all facts describing the alleged event, issue or matter;
  • the name of each person involved;
  • dates, times and locations;
  • contact details of the person making the allegation – name, phone number and email address