Rangatirangata: In terms of relevance for Playcentre, Rangatiratanga refers to governance of the organization, leadership in achieving objectives and guardianship of the kaupapa.
Mana: Mana gives essence, strength and meaning to all whānau and personnel of Playcentre, to ensure all tamariki continue to learn and grow in their environment. Mana is the means by which a person or organization maintains its clarity of vision and purpose.
Whanaungatanga: Playcentre will operate in a manner which promotes caring, nurturing and sharing in order to grow as a whānau with aroha and understanding. Whanaungatanga encourages co-operation and unity to achieve goals and objectives.
Wairuatanga (Spiritual wellbeing): Where a Playcentre whānau takes on board the above ownership (governance) of the organization, leadership to play, work, learn and grow together, and guardianship of the kaupapa does ensure the spiritual wellbeing of all its whānau members.
Kaitiakitanga: Guardianship of the kaupapa/objectives purpose.
Aroha: Always treating everyone with respect, honour and love.
Manaakitanga: Caring, nurturing, sharing, encouraging and supporting everyone.
Te Reo: Language is key for communication. All languages will be heard.
Maramatanga: Working to find understanding and clarity in all areas of Playcentre.
Tika: Correctness in terms of Playcentre objectives and purpose.
Pono: Honesty and truth in all.