As per legislative requirement from 11th May 2021, all schools, kura, kohanga reo and early childhood facilities (ECEs) must display a notice stating that smoking and vaping within the premises is forbidden at all times. The new Auahi Kore/Smokefree signage stickers are free and will be mailed out to all schools, kura, kohanga reo and ECEs. The notices (signs or stickers) have to be displayed at every entrance to the premises and every entrance to every building or enclosed area on the premises, excluding buildings and areas not usually in use. The stickers for Playcentre are to be posted in early May.

Your Playcentre will be sent (free of charge) no vaping/smokefree stickers between 30 April and 3 May 2021 form smoke free in order to meet this legislative requirement. The stickers are double-sided and can be used on windows and doors, including wooden doors. 

If you require more stickers than you have been delivered they will be available for order after 5 May from this link.

Community & Public Health have also had signage made. (See below). They are 30cm x 15cm.

Here is a PDF version for printing – SmokefreeVapefreeAtAllTimesSignageFinal210414 (1)