Spend time with your tamariki this Children’s Day – Te rā o ngā Tamariki, Sunday 3 March 2019.

Here are some ideas for activities for pre-schoolers

Talk about the meaning of Children’s Day
Tell the children that Children’s Day celebrates the fact that each one of them is unique and special. Let them know that they are important. Tell them that Children’s Day is a day to do fun activities with their families. Ask them questions such as ‘what is the best thing about being a child?’ and ‘what would you like to do on Children’s Day?’ and ‘what do you like doing best with your family?’

Colouring in
Download a colouring in picture from the Children’s Day website. Get children to colour in, maybe make it a competition and offer prizes for creativity.

Children’s Day colours day

Pick one or more of the Children’s Day colours and have a colour day! The Children’s Day colours are grass green, deep purple, orange and yellow. Have fun with the colour by wearing it, eating food of that colour, and naming as many things around you that are the same colour.

Handprints are very versatile. Explain to children that everybody’s handprint is unique. You could get children to make handprints with paint, then cut them out to make a number of picture displays. For example, you could make a handprint tree (with handprints for leaves) or a handprint wreath, or a handprint placemat. If you don’t want to get messy you could just trace around their hands, cut them out and decorate.

For more ideas and to check out the free events that are being held throughout New Zealand to celebrate Children’s Day head to their website here.