Te Kuiti

Te Kuiti Playcentre is a well-resourced, multi-cultural centre where we get together and have lots of fun! Come and check us out and make some new friends – we promise you a warm welcome and many friendly smiles.

We cater to children aged from birth to school age. We have a dedicated Baby Sleep Room, with cots and spaces to park a buggy. We are very proud of our extensive outdoor play area that caters to a wide range of interests including:

  • Amazing bike riding area 
  • Variety of swings and slides for different ages
  • Large sun-shaded sandpit
  • Playground with swing-bridge
  • Climbing boxes and planks
  • Carpentry area and variety of tools
  • Lawn and garden areas
  • Fantastic water play with taps into sandpit and lots of equipment
  • Covered outdoor area with tables for eating and tables for creative play

Inside we have a painting and collage area, family play area, musical instruments, books, crafts, dress ups, trains and tracks, kids kitchen and shop, dolls area including beds and push-chairs to name but a few. There are tables and chairs for the childrens morning tea/lunch. We also have a childrens shower cubicle which comes in handy!

For the adults we have a full sized kitchen with an oven, microwave, and dishwasher, and a washing machine in the utility area. There’s also a nice comfy couch in the family area.

Parents share the responsibilities and roles of running the centre, and sessions are focused on child-initiated play, giving our children the chance to explore on their own terms. Our Playcentre also emphasises the importance of parents and whanau as the first and most important educators of our children, and members have the opportunity to attend adult education workshops to further develop their skills in working with children. Not only do our children develop nurturing and social skills which have lifelong benefits but the adult relationships developed through Playcentre provide support and life skills.

There is no other organisation for early childhood education and family development quite like it in the world. Thousands of kiwi children, and their parents too, have grown up with Playcentre, so come and join the fun!

We offer 3 free visits before you request to enrol

Address & Contact

16 Ward Street
Te Kuiti 3910
[email protected]
07 878 8817
027 700 1664

Open Times

Monday 9.30am - 12.00pm
Thursday 9.30am - 12.00pm

Other centres in your region


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Otorohanga 3900 [email protected]
07 873 7930
027 880 3295


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Pio Pio 1021 [email protected]
07 877 8902
027 700 1662


748 Maihiihi Road
Maihiihi 3972 [email protected]
07 873 2947
027 700 1660


17 Barclay Road
RD1, Aria School
Aria 11217 [email protected]
027 880 5395