From Jan 2023, Playcentre Education will be offering version 2 of the NZ Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 4). Ākonga who are nearly finished with the certificate will have the opportunity to complete version 1 in 2023.
What are the changes?
Overall, the structure of the programme remains very similar. Content has been refreshed, wording clarified, repetition reduced, assessments streamlined and some content removed or changed to links “for more information”. Te Ao Māori has also been woven throughout by aligning the modules with the principles of Huringa Pūngao and te reo integrated throughout for commonly used kupu (eg tamariki for children, whānau for families, kaiako for adults/educators etc.)
What does it mean for ākonga/learners?
No one will be disadvantaged by the transition. Most ākonga will transfer seamlessly into version 2. Ākonga who are very nearly finished v1 are able to complete v1 in 2023.
In mid-Dec, all ākonga currently enrolled were emailed with details of a transition plan specific to their progress. Please check junk folders as batch emails sometimes end up there.
Straight transfer of credit
Most modules have a straight transfer of credit:
B401 to PE1
B402 to PE2
B403 to PE3
B404 to PE4
C407 to PL4
C408 to PL5
Ākonga have a mix of v1 and v2 modules. For example, someone who have already completed B401 can next enrol in PE2 and then be award the Playcentre Introductory Award (PIA.)
The credit values and graduate outcomes for C405, C406 and C410 have shifted and ākonga enrolled in these modules will receive an individualised transition plan outlining their next steps.
Can ākonga do the new assessments?
B-modules and C405 Part A:
Ākonga who have completed the learning content/workshops for a module but not yet submitted their assessments can either complete the v1 or v2 assessments. Check your email for more details.
For ākonga who have already submitted a task for a module, they must complete the module in v1, including any resubmissions and other tasks in the module. This has to do with how our modules are funded by TEC.
Other C-series modules:
For other C-series ākonga, please complete the current v1 assessment tasks and then transfer to v2.
Modules on the Playcentre website
Term 1 bookings will have the new module codes/names with the previous equivalent in brackets. Version 1 modules for C407, C408, C409 and C410 will be available in Term 1 for ākonga who are finishing in v1. Haley will check v1 bookings as they come in and let you know if you should be elsewhere. Term 1 options will be available on the Playcentre website by mid-January.
Please check your email inbox and junk folder for more information. If you have not received an email or have further queries, please contact:
Haley Brown – [email protected] (for all iQualify and C-series ākonga queries)
Louise Albert – [email protected] (for all other queries)
Thank you for all of the input
In updating the programme to meet NZQA’s version change, we have also taken the time to review and make changes to the programme in line with feedback from ākonga, centres, teaching staff and external moderators. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to give feedback through the module evaluation forms, hui and surveys we set up earlier in the year or by reaching out to share your thoughts with the team. We have heard your voices and have responded with changes.
A special shout out to the programme review team for their hundreds of hours of time and energy into keeping Playcentre Education great.