Moving along in the NZ Certificate in ECE and Care L4 programme

You are strongly urged to do your assessments around the time you complete the workshops in a module. The learning material is best put into practise and reflected on when it is fresh and still recent in your memory. Start while doing the workshops so you can ask questions or get clarification from your facilitator as you go.

The programme is designed to successively build upon your learning which means the earlier modules are a foundation to the later content. In some cases there are pre-requisites in this programmme. A pre-requisite is a specific course or subject that you must complete before you can take another course. That means completing the prior course – workshops and assessments before attending the next course workshops.

The PIA is a pre-requisite to the PEA – You should finish the PIA before starting either of the PEA modules. Complete B401 and B402 (not just workshops but also the assessments) then attend the B403 and B404 module workshops.

The PEA is a pre-requisite to the C405 module -You must complete the PEA (workshops and assessments) before starting to attend C405 workshops.

If you try to register or try to attend the C405 workshops before you have been awarded the PEA you will be asked to wait until you do indeed meet the pre-requisite.

C405 is a pre-requisite to the rest of the C-series modules. This is the major module and the biggest in the whole programme – once you have finished the workshops and assessments for C405 and had your practice observed you are well on your way to achieving the level 4 certificate. C405 is no harder than the previous modules as it is still at level 4 (similar to Course 3 work and definitely not at the level of Course 4 which is at level 5) it is just a bit bigger than the B-series modules that come before it. The first completions of C405 are starting to come through now.

As has been said before the NZ Certificate ECE and Care level 4 is like an expanded modern Course 3 it is not the same as a Course 4.

Other C -series modules will be available soon so that you can continue to progress on your learning journey. They will all be available before the end of the year.

Federation, National and Association Certificate holders transitioning to Course 4

Congratulations to all those who have completed the requirements to be awarded a Course 4 which will have on-going licensing recognition after the licensing transition period ends.

There will be no more entries accepted into this programme as there is insufficient time for someone starting now to be completed by 1 Dec 2019.


What do I do if I already have an ECE qualification?

If you have an ECE qualification at level 4, 5, 6 or 7 send your qualification certificate and transcript of learning to Gillian Croad, the Training Co-ordinator who can verify it for use as a licensing qualification on a Playcentre session if it is one of the other qualifications gazetted for use on a Playcentre session licence.

If it is a very old qualification or a short course level 4 (less than 60 credits) or at level 3 which cannot be used for licensing Gillian can advise you of this. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) may apply when you enter the Playcentre Education level 4 NZ Certificate programme. A primary teacher’s qualification is not an ECE qualification but we will give you RPL when you enter the programme. Get an RPL application from the Education staff at the regional office and follow the instructions on what you will need to provide for an RPL assessment.

If you are studying the same qualification, the NZ Certificate in ECE and Care Level 4, with another Provider you cannot also enrol in our programme for this same qualification. Also those who already have a Course 4 or a non Playcentre ECE qualification that can be used for licensing cannot enrol in our programme.