A big thank you to all the Treasurers for finalising their year end accounts.  A special thank you for those who provided additional information for the auditors when requested.  We can now get started on the huge job of combining over 400 Playcentre accounts into one set of Playcentre Group financial statements. 

During the process of helping everyone get their financials finished, it became clear to me our accounting practises aren’t completely consistent across the country.  That’s not surprising – not long ago we were doing things as 32 different Associations, and the way things are done is largely passed from one Treasurer to the next.  During this financial year I will be looking to provide some more guidelines on accounting practise so that we achieve greater consistency – which should also make it easier for Treasurers to carry out their role.  There is a lot of information already on our website in the Treasurer’s Kit but if there is something that isn’t covered, or if you handover was to do it differently, please let us know on [email protected]