Playcentre Job Vacancies

The Vacancies page on our website is a treasure trove for those looking to move into employment with us. This will continue to offer you an opportunity to learn and grow in a supportive and flexible working environment – one that understands the demands of children and parenting.

We have positions available across the motu, from roles that work around school hours and holidays including Centre-based and Regional roles, or National office roles where you can build relationships with a range of people and use your skills to support the wider organisation.

Our recently updated vacancies page allows you to search for roles available by location, role type and category, meaning that finding an exciting career opportunity has never been easier.

Apply for one of our rewarding roles today!

Police Vetting Policy

In accordance with the Vulnerable Children Act 2014 every three years employees are required to be police vetted to protect and improve the wellbeing of vulnerable children. This applies to all Playcentre Aotearoa employees, including full-time, part-time and casual employees and some students.

If you have a core worker exemption administered by the Ministry of Social Development please advise us of this and we will inform you of any amendment to this process.

Police Vetting can only be carried out with the signed consent of the person being vetted. Consent is provided by completing the Request and Consent form. This will be sent to you when you are due to have your Police Vetting renewed.

We are expected to make sure the person being vetted is aware of the vetting process and are directed to the Police website or the ‘Guide to Completing the Consent Form’ for more information.  We will advise you of this when we contact you to arrange a renewal of your Police Vet.

Please contact Kate Woods on 027 207 2099 should you have any questions regarding this process.