Preparation for centre AGM

The amalgamation is here and we would like to remind everyone that the Playcentre Aotearoa constitution is now active.
Please ensure that you are familiar with Playcentre Aotearoa constitution. Playcentres are recognized in the constitution under clause 5 outlining the opportunities that a centre needs to provide.
Clause 5.4 outlines the responsibilities of a Playcentre and guides

It should be noted that the constitution does not specify quorum for meetings, election of executive committees etc. Inserting positions into the constitution limited a cross section of our centres particularly those that have less than 5 families attending. This was purposely left broad to enable all Playcentres to achieve their obligations under the constitution.

As an organisation we have consistently used consensus as a decision making tool and strongly encourage centres to maintain this practice enabling all members the opportunity to participate.

We would also like to remind centres that the Constitution will be reviewed in 2021.