Property team restructure

Property Team are pleased to announce they have recently undertaken a restructure to allow us to manage the $6m worth of property works approved by the Trustee Board earlier this year.

The majority of existing Property Team Members have transferred into new roles and recruitment will start soon for four new team members.

As part of this restructure we are pleased to announce we will now have three Property Managers (based in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch) who will spend the majority of the time on the road visiting Centres to undertake compliance, inspections and assist with managing Projects. Two Property Managers are yet to be recruited but I can announce that Kirsty Brown will be taking on this role in the South Island.

Two existing Regional Property Coordinators (Elise McClennan and Paula Matthews-Boulton) will transfer over into National Property Coordinator roles. These roles are office based and will provide specialist property knowledge to Centres, Staff and other Property Team Members.

There will be 2 ½ full time National Property Administrators who will take on the bulk of the administration work. Steve Morgan will continue in his capacity as a part time administrator and two others will be recruited.

Going forward we ask you to direct all new queries to [email protected] and they will then be redirected to the appropriate Property Team Member to answer.

Please bear with us over the next couple of months while we readjust to the new structure and get new team members on board.