Mums, dads, and all whānau including grandparents, aunties and uncles, and other caregivers are welcome to attend Playcentre with the children.
This means our children develop supportive relationships with a range of adults, and it also adds to the rich array of experiences available as different adults bring new things to the play table.
Playcentre was established in 1941 to support mothers. It goes without saying that parenting styles have changed a lot over the past 70 years.
Today, in 2019, fathers often attend Playcentre and make up a significant portion of volunteers.
Both grandparents who are acting as primary caregivers, and grandparents who simply want to spend more time with their grandchildren often attend Playcentre sessions.
At Playcentre grandparents are a valued part of our village. It is a privilege for grandparents and grandchildren to spend time together and the benefits for both are huge and well documented.
In October Playcentre holds a special day – Grandparents Day | Te rā o ngā tupuna to honour, recognise and celebrate grandparents.
Barbara, a Playcentre grandparent, says that attending Playcentre means that: