Over forty countries celebrate the annual Festival of Adult Learning Ahurei Ākonga. The UNESCO initiative which includes International Literacy Day on September 8, promotes learning as an isolation buster, brain sharpener, community builder, skill filler and more. More than 8,000 people from all over Aotearoa participated in festival events in 2020 and the ACE Aotearoa team is hoping for an even bigger turnout in 2021.
Here at Playcentre Aotearoa, with funding from ACE Aotearoa, we are hosting the Festival of Learning. We are bringing a series of Play Days and online learning events for our voluntary Playcentre members to participate in.
The Play Day workshops will be available throughout Aotearoa and there are a range of topics available from science, blocks, poi and pepeha, ephemeral art & natural collage, uku clay, under 2s, maths in early learning, messy play to carpentry. These workshops will inspire you to learn new play ideas that you can take back and share with the tamariki at your centre and at home.
Playcentre is about our whānau growing together and these workshops give parents, grandparents and caregivers in Playcentre the opportunity to grow and learn as kaiako.
For more information click here