Kia ora koutou,

As you will no doubt be aware there has been an outbreak of measles in New Zealand, which appears to be spreading.

Click here for a document from the Ministry of Health which outlines key points about measles, its symptoms and how they are spread. Also attached is advice from the Canterbury District Health Board specifically for ECE services (other DHB’s are likely issuing similar advice as required).

We recommend you follow the advice given in the attached documents.

If a member of your Playcentre community experiences any of the symptoms listed:

  • a cough
  • a fever
  • a runny nose
  • sore and watery pink eyes

They should stay away from Playcentre (and other public spaces) and contact Healthline on 0800 611 116 for medical advice.

If a member of your centre is found to have contracted measles, then we recommend that any non-vaccinated children or adults without immunity are excluded from the centre for a period of at least 2 weeks.

Please contact your Regional office and the Ministry of Health for advice and support if this should occur.