Lepperton Playcentre

Lepperton playcentre is based in the heart of our rural community, on our school grounds.  The tamariki benefit from a close, supportive relationship with our local kura.

Play is the highest form of learning and is at the heart of everything we do.  We have a large outdoor area and 16 areas of play allowing our tamariki to explore, create and build friendships as they build confidence and belonging alongside their parents.

Being part of the playcentre community allows our parents and caregivers to build friendships, have a laugh, share parenting worries and grow our knowledge all for free!

Our tamariki’s journey is recorded in their own journal which includes stories about their learning journey, valuable pieces of art and photos to treasure for ever.

New members are always welcome to come along and see if playcentre is for you!

We offer 3 free visits before you request to enrol

Address & Contact

540 Richmond Road
Lepperton 4373
[email protected]
06 752 0891 or 027 880 2650

Open Times

Monday 9.00am - 1.00pm
Wednesday 9.00am - 1.00pm
Friday 9.00am - 1.00pm

Other centres in your region


365 Ngatimaru Rd, Tikorangi School
RD 43 4383 [email protected]
022 853 7779


25 Carey Street
Waitara 4320 [email protected]
027 880 2750


21 Brown Street
Inglewood 4330 [email protected]
027 700 1382