Lower Hutt

Tucked away in a quiet spot at the back of Glen Iris Grove in central Lower Hutt, you will find a nurturing environment where our Tamariki are supported to explore, discover, create, and grow. We believe that child initiated play allows children to become confident and competent self-directed learners.

Our morning sessions run Monday through to Friday and are inclusive for ages 0-6. This allows for siblings to attend together and provides opportunities for empathy, care-taking and mentoring between age groups. All activities are planned with consideration of inclusiveness for all ages.

Lower Hutt Playcentre parents and caregivers are actively involved with the running of our centre and sessions. Our adults are supported on their Playcentre journey as they grow their knowledge of early childhood education and being a part of a parent co-operative.

The high adult to child ratios on session ensures balance and support for both group and individual play activities, and quality sessions and learning opportunities are able to be provided for our children.

No two days are the same at Lower Hutt Playcentre and sessions are planned based on our children’s current interests, however, activities that you will regularly find at our centre include painting, clay, play-do, music and dance, blocks and building, collage, water play, sandpit, large motor skills/physical play, puzzles, story telling, science and nature, baking, family and fantasy play, carpentry, messy play. We also have a baby-zone with dedicated heuristic baskets, and texture bags.

Lower Hutt Playcentre is an allergy friendly centre. We are egg and peanut free, and with numerous children who have special dietary considerations we request that children bring their own lunchboxes for morning tea. Hot drinks and morning tea for the adults is provided in the kitchen.

Feel free to pop in during our opening hours, or give us a call to arrange a time to visit to find out more about our centre and if it might be a good fit for your family.

Our fees are approximately $65-$70 per family per term, with discounts available for completion of the Playcentre courses.

We offer 3 free visits before you request to enrol

Address & Contact

14 Glen Iris Grove
Lower Hutt 5010
[email protected]
04 566 5289
027 700 1026

Open Times

Monday 9.15am - 11.45am
Tuesday 9.15am - 1.15pm
Wednesday 9.15am - 11.45am Pikopiko Session
Wednesday 12.15pm - 2.45pm Space Session
Thursday 9.15am - 11.45am
Thursday 12.15pm - 2.45pm Space Session
Friday 9.15am - 11.45am
Friday 12.15pm - 2.45pm Space Session

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Lower Hutt 5010 [email protected]
04 560 3684
027 880 2424


165 Normandale Road
Lower Hutt 5010 [email protected]
027 700 1027


103 Trafalgar Street
Lower Hutt 5010 [email protected]
027 880 2737