Centres should be starting to use the tablets over this term and getting used to signing in and out on these.

The tablets must connect to the internet each morning to update the enrolments list, if it has not connected some parents will get an ‘invalid pin’ reponse when entering their pin. However, once it has connected it can be used without an internet connection. It may be helpful to turn wi-fi off if it is unstable, or when going to a emergency evacuation point as this will make it easier to use.

There are some updates coming to both the programme and the tablet- including the ability to ‘add an extra day’ (when you attend on a day you are not usually enrolled for) when you sign in, and to sign in parents/guardians at the same time as signing in tamariki. We expect these to be rolled out this month.

Online enrolment forms – on the Playcentre website are expected to go live near the start of December. We will provide information on these at that time, and again in February next year.