Playcentre Leader Modules

If you haven’t yet heard the news, last year the C-Series modules went out the window and have been replaced by the revamped and refreshed Playcentre Leader modules.  We’ve had overwhelming positive feedback about the updated modules.  The Playcentre Leader modules are aimed at Playcentre parents and kaiako who have completed the Playcentre Educator Award and want to deepen their understanding of children’s learning and how Playcentre works. 

  Everyone starts the Playcentre Leader modules with PL1 Wairuatanga – Reflective Practice and then decides where to take their learning next:

  • PL1 sets the scene for the Playcentre Leader modules and is the shortest module in the certificate.  It will help you focus on what’s most important for you in Playcentre and in your learning journey.
  • PL2 & PL3 focus on children’s learning and your role as kaiako in supporting them.
  • PL4 unpacks the compliance side of Playcentre – what do we have to do and why, as well as some of the ethical dilemmas – what do we do when there isn’t a black or white answer?
  • PL5 focuses on leadership and communication within Playcentre.
  • PL6 sums up the learning journey of the whole certificate by looking at your own values as kaiako and by learning more about the wider ECE sector in NZ.

All of the Playcentre Leader modules except PL5 are offered as self-directed learning via iQualify, with groups starting once per month.  Since PL5 looks at group skills and communication, it is offered via in-person wānanga or interactive webinars.

Ready to get started?

The next PL1 Wairuatanga – Reflective Practice modules start 1 April and 1 May.  Remember that PL1 is a fast module, and you can enrol in two modules at the same time, so if you would like to move quickly through the certificate, you might like to sign up for PL1 and another module (PL2, PL4 or PL5) at the same time.

NZQA External Education Review (EER)

Every 3-4 years, NZQA reviews Playcentre Education as a tertiary education provider, much the same way ERO reviews centres.  As part of the process, they have requested to kōrero with a group of current ākonga and recent graduates.  The date they have chosen is Wed 10 April, with late morning and early afternoon timeslots.  The kōrero will be as a group with other learners and via Teams or Zoom.

If you are a current ākonga or recent Level 4 graduate (Jan 2023 onwards) and are willing to be part of the kōrero, please register your availability here.

Term 2 Workshop Requests

Term 2 workshop planning is already well underway.  If your centre would like to host a play workshop or module, please contact [email protected] (centres north of Taupō) or [email protected] (Lower North Island and South Island) with details of what topics/modules and dates/times that suit.  Hosting a Learning through Play workshop can be a great way to spark new learning at your centre and inspire new families to make a start with Playcentre Education.