Thank you to our Playcentre Education Champions – Whakaihuwaka

Nau mai, haere mai to the incoming Education Champions!  With AGMs in progress, we know that many centres have new Education Officers or as in happening in many centres, a team of people supporting adult education. 

Come check out the recently launched Facebook group for all Playcentre Education Champions – Whakaihuwaka o Te Wāhanga Mātauranga.  This group connects everyone who plays a role in supporting adult education in Playcentre – Education Officers, Session Facilitators, Centre Advisors… you don’t even have to have a title – just a passion for education to keep Playcentre Education thriving for the next group of Playcentre whānau.

If you would like to learn more about the Education programme and your role in supporting it at your centre, come join the Education Team for an Education Champions Kōrero:

Support for Ākonga Learners

There are a number of ways in which Playcentre Education support ākonga:

Festivals of Learning

As part of the Festival of Adult Learning in September, the Playcentre Education team has been making its way across the country to celebrate the graduates of the NZ Certificate in Early Childhood Education & Care (Level 4) and everyone working hard on education modules.  Upcoming events are scheduled in Hamilton (Sun 15 Oct), Christchurch (Wed 25 Oct), Rolleston (Thurs 26 Oct).  Otago and Northland, we’ll be heading your way in Nov.  Check out some of photos of the festivities!