What a busy Term 3 – cluster programmes, leadership programmes, festivals of learning!  The PLD team is looking forward to getting out into centres and continuing programmes in Term 4. 

Since the last bulletin we completed workshops for Adult Learners’ week.  There were 115 participants over 10 workshops and the PLD team hopes to deliver similar workshops again in the near future.  If you have requests for any short workshops like these, please submit them here

PLD Lead Changes

Rebecca Congalton has recently accepted the Upper South Island Regional Support Lead role and finished in the PLD Lead role at the end of Term 3.  We wish Rebecca all the best and despite losing her from PLD, we are happy to know she is still part of Playcentre community in USI.

We are pleased to announce that Karina Hart [email protected] has accepted the role of PLD Lead. 

Message from Karina:

Tēnā koutou katoa, Ko Karina tōku ingoa 

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi engari he toa takitini. 

I come not with my own strengths but bring with me the gifts talents and strengths of my family tribe and ancestors. 

Playcentre has been a huge part of my life, I am a Playcentre child and have been a Playcentre parent since 2001. I have been involved in various roles within Playcentre over the last 20 years and a part of the PLD team for the past 8 years. This has given me the opportunity to see, hear and feel what Playcentre looks like for individual centres all over New Zealand.  I feel privileged to have been able to experience this and I am thankful to all the centres that have welcomed me in.  I have gained something from every visit as I have worked with and alongside centre’s tamariki and their whānau.

I believe Playcentre is the most amazing environment to foster inquisitive tamariki who are empowered to guide their learning journey. Being a part of an organisation that works with and alongside whānau, fostering responsive and reciprocal relationships fits so closely with my personal philosophy. I look forward to continuing this journey through the PLD Lead role and supporting our vibrant very skilled and experienced team of facilitators.

Facilitator Roles – Te Ao Māori and Pasifika Leadership

We are also currently advertising for PLD Facilitators across the country, in particular with skills in growing te ao Māori and Pasifika cultural competencies in Playcentre. If you enjoy sharing your knowledge while meeting amazing Playcentre whānau, please take a look at the job description on Playcentre Vacancies page and put your name forward.  If you know of someone who would be great, please shoulder tap them as well. 


Here are some photos of the great play experiences that the PLD team has been involved with out and about in centres recently: