On 26 March, Kelburn Playcentre hosted Her Excellency Dr Dulce de Jesus Soares, Minister of Education, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.
The Minister was in New Zealand to see first-hand how New Zealand delivers quality early childhood education, and to observe and learn from educators and providers.
As part of her visit, the Minister met with a range of parents and children from Kelburn Playcentre, Playcentre staff and Playcentre Aotearoa Chief Executive David Moger.
“It was great to see a uniquely Kiwi organisation that has been leading innovative early childhood thinking and practice since 1941 being showcased to the world,” said Moger.
Playcentre is a charitable trust with over 400 Centres nationwide. It is the largest parent-led early childhood education provider in New Zealand.
Playcentres are licensed by the Ministry of Education and follow the same national curriculum (Te Whāriki) that all ECE providers in New Zealand follow.
The Playcentre philosophy values parents as the first and best educators for their children so that families are strengthened, and communities enriched.
Playcentre provides a high adult ratio (a minimum of 1 adult to every 5 children) with most parents attending sessions with their children.
Kelburn Playcentre runs five mixed-age (0-6 years) sessions per week in the mornings and four Space sessions (for infants aged 0-1 year) per week in the afternoons.
Kelburn Playcentre has a total of 35 children enrolled on mixed-age sessions, plus 53 infants enrolled on Space sessions.
The majority of the mixed age sessions are run by the parents who have early childhood education qualifications. The rest of the sessions have paid qualified employees to support whānau in their role as educators.
Playcentre Aotearoa offers an adult education programme to the whānau of enrolled children. This supports their work as educators at Playcentre as well as their role as parents.
According to Kat Barraclough, Playcentre parent and President of Kelburn Playcentre, “the Playcentre adult education programme gives an insight into children’s play and teaches real usable skills. I often have conversations with our members about how it has supported them in their own parenting. It has enriched our whole Playcentre families’ experience.”

Photo (left to right): Playcentre Aotearoa Chief Executive David Moger explaining how Playcentre operates to Her Excellency Dr Dulce de Jesus Soares, Minister of Education, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste at Kelburn Playcentre.

Kelburn Playcentre Co-President Kat Barraclough, Her Excellency Dr Dulce de Jesus Soares, Minister of Education, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and Kelburn Playcentre Session Team Leader Kelly Sturmfels.