Literacy in nature
February 17, 2020 | Playcentre
Literacy in nature literacyˈlɪt(ə)rəsi/noun the ability to read and write. “tests of literacy and numeracy” synonyms:ability to read and write, reading/writing ability, reading/writing...Read More
Literacy in nature literacyˈlɪt(ə)rəsi/noun the ability to read and write. “tests of literacy and numeracy” synonyms:ability to read and write, reading/writing ability, reading/writing...Read More
Our pepeha our place Tēna koutou katoa ngāwhānu o Playcentre Aotearoa Ko Ohuiarangi te maunga Ko Te Wai o Taiki te moana Ko Tainui te waka Ko Ngai Tai te iwi Ko Bucklands Beach...Read More
Rosalind Potter was surprised at the amount of plastic toys in the world that had limited outcomes. Inspired by a desire to encourage mokopuna to use their imagination, she created Imagine Box...Read More