Latest News - February 2020

Literacy in nature

February 17, 2020 | Playcentre

Literacy in nature literacyˈlɪt(ə)rəsi/noun the ability to read and write. “tests of literacy and numeracy” synonyms:ability to read and write, reading/writing ability, reading/writing...Read More

Our pepeha our place

February 14, 2020 | Playcentre

Our pepeha our place Tēna koutou katoa ngāwhānu o Playcentre Aotearoa Ko Ohuiarangi te maunga Ko Te Wai o Taiki te moana Ko Tainui te waka Ko Ngai Tai te iwi Ko Bucklands Beach...Read More

The magic of heuristic play

February 7, 2020 | Playcentre

Rosalind Potter was surprised at the amount of plastic toys in the world that had limited outcomes.  Inspired by a desire to encourage mokopuna to use their imagination, she created Imagine Box...Read More
