Latest News - March 2020

Shadow art

March 31, 2020 | Playcentre

Drawing with light and shadow is a fun and informative activity for our tamariki. It helps them look at things from a new perspective, observing the different shapes created by sunlight at...Read More

Fostering friendship

March 16, 2020 | Playcentre

This year Playcentre Open Week's theme is friendship. This is a heart-warming story about two mothers who found their village through Playcentre. "Centaine and I have so much in common - we’re...Read More

Playcentre in the park

March 12, 2020 | Playcentre

Playcentre in the Park On Sunday 8th March six Playcentres from Northland arranged "Playcentre in the Park". Parklands Kamo, Onerahi, Tutukaka Coast, Titoki, Totara Grove and Horahora Playcentre...Read More
