Latest News - February 2019

Children’s Day – Te rā o ngā Tamariki

February 28, 2019 | Playcentre

Spend time with your tamariki this Children's Day - Te rā o ngā Tamariki, Sunday 3 March 2019. Here are some ideas for activities for pre-schoolers Talk about the meaning of Children's...Read More

Sensory Walkway for Rangiora

February 20, 2019 | Playcentre

Inspired by a blog post shared on their facebook page, members of Rangiora Playcentre recently decided to make a sensory walkway for their centre. With the help of the Playcentre community and...Read More

Being a Playcentre Dad

February 4, 2019 | Playcentre

Traditionally dads have made up a minority of parents on session. Oxford Playcentre dad and centre Co-president, Salvo, is one of many fathers actively changing this. His enthusiasm for...Read More

‘Wrapping about’

February 1, 2019 | Playcentre

Ten-year-old Tessa Marshall is a shining example of the influence Playcentre can have, even long after early childhood has been left behind. This year Tessa has set up a business making and...Read More
